Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Run Test

This week is recovery which means three quality workouts...a test in each sport. I was sick during my last recovery week so I only completed the run and swim tests which did not go well and were basically thrown out.

Today I set out to do my run test, 4x1mile with 90 sec rest, trying for the best possible average. Of course, the nice calm 5mph breeze of yesterday was replaced with 25mph of terror and gusts blasting at 35. I still felt pretty good, after the quality workouts of last week where I was able to produce some decent performances. Not today.

The first mile was good. I hit 5:15 and felt pretty comfortable doing it. Since my goal was to get in under 5:20, I was buoyed by my early success. The second wasn't so great. I passed the half in 2:39 and was relatively comfortable, then it went downhill and I trudged in in 5:25. Not too far off, and with only two to go, it was time to push. On #3 I split the 400 in 82, putting in more effort than the faster times of the first two repeats. I went through the half in 2:51 and slowed even more severely from there as I ran (more like jogged) past the finish in 5:57, probably the slowest 1 mile interval I've sun since middle school.

Oh well, it's recovery tomorrow then the bike test on Thursday, which I feel I'll be a little fresher for as I really didn't beat my legs up that much today. 20 minutes on the trainer all out. I'm pretty excited! I've never done the threshold test before so this will be something new, just going at it for 20 minutes in the dorm, probably re-watching this year's Tour of Flanders for motivation...Thanks for reading, I'll check back in soon.

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