Thursday, February 12, 2015

2015 Race Schedule and Update

Time for an update! The schedule for this season is pretty much set. Things will kick off at the St. Patrick's Triathlon in Keller on March 15th. After that I will have one more good block of training before 70.3s on back to back weekends with New Orleans and Texas on April 19th and 26th. After that I'll be staying local in May with the Texas Man Sprint, Grand Triathlon, and Benbrook Sprint. The first weekend of June is the Dallas ITU American Cup. After that it will be pretty much training only (unless I have a shot at 70.3 worlds and need to fill in with a 70.3 or two in June and July). I will kick off 2016 qualifying at 70.3 Timberman in Gilford, NH on August 16th. After another training block I will make the trip to New Jersey for the Princeton 70.3 on September 20th. Two weeks later will be the Silverman 70.3 in Henderson, NV. After a couple off days I will get in a big volume block and hope to make my Ironman debut at Ironman Arizona on November 15th! Training wise it has been a really good winter. Lots of time has been spent on the trainer but the quality has been great! November was a big volume month, and also gave me the opportunity to try out a half marathon. I competed at the Tour de Glen Rose half and won with a time of 1:14:47. After a first half in 37:00 I thought a sub 74 would be possible, but the lead bike got lost and we spent some time trying to find our way and I ended up running loops around the block to get to 13.1 miles. I still can't be disappointed with the time though. December was a good training month until the end. I crashed on my bike the Sunday before Christmas and missed a couple days. Fortunately I had a recovery week planned that coming week. I got a bout of the flu the day after Christmas and missed a couple more days. In all it was about 10 days of little to no training. January was spent regaining the little bit of fitness I lost and working on strength and power with lower volume. I started the racing with a 5K at the Louisiana Marathon. Ran an unimpressive 16:55 on a cold day to win by a minute. Coming to the end of a training block tomorrow. I will take the weekend off for Nolan's State Swim Meet before getting back to action on Monday for a 3 week block of hard training. Thanks for reading!

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